Sunday, March 11, 2007

Buckman appointed to Doylestown Borough Council

Buckman appointed to Doylestown Borough Council

The Intelligencer

Doylestown’s new council member is Republican John Buckman.


At the end of a 50-minute meeting Friday afternoon, the predominantly Republican vacancy board voted 5-3 along party lines in favor of Buckman.

Democrat Joan Doyle and Independent Curtis Cowgill also applied for the vacancy created when 2nd Ward Republican councilwoman Lori Clipner resigned in January.

Vacancy board chairwoman Mary Howe, Council President John “Chip” Thome, Mark Douple, Darrin Hoffman and Jenn Corr, all Republicans, voted in favor of Buckman. Democrats Melissa Bond, Det Ansinn and David Bull opposed. Democrat Council Vice President Lou White was absent.

Buckman is a long-time borough resident and Army veteran who owns a woodworking business in Dublin. He has volunteered in the past as a firefighter. For the full story, see Saturday’s paper.

March 9, 2007 4:02 PM